
CF- L2

Masters- Two day Certificate

RowingErg Certificate

Weightlifting Certificate

Anatomy Certificate

Scaling Certificate

Spot the Flaw Certificate

Judges Course

USA Weightlifting Certifications:

USAW Level 2 Coach

LWC Referee

Safe Sport Trained



I came to Alaska with the military and like a lot of people I ended up staying when I got out. I retired from a successful 36+ year career in law enforcement and now I have the time to devote to my passions which are grandkids, skiing, and- of course- coaching CrossFit.

Fitness wise I have always been active with anything outdoors and working out in various forms. I was once a competitive powerlifter and I like competing in CrossFit competitions when I get the chance.

I started CrossFit around 2009 by learning off the internet and from a friend and trainer who just got his Level 1 certification. As I learn and practice the CrossFit Prescription of forging “broad, general, and inclusive fitness” I appreciate the fact that it does great job of preparing people for the stage of life where general fitness is perhaps more critical in maintaining mobility and longevity.